Mundri and the WHM team are VERY far from the fighting in the border regions. Bethany posted yesterday from Mundri, so check out her latest thoughts. I also need to be reminded that what I read in the news is often sensationalized and does not always represent the true situation. In fact I just I read an article in which the Catholic Archbishop of Juba said the UN, the African Union, and Western nations have made "premature statements without knowing the reality." I am writing this post not be I know the truth of what is going on between Sudan and South Sudan, but because no matter what the reality is, it is a time for prayer.
Yesterday I finally got around to listening to a podcast I had downloaded several months ago. It was entitled "The South African Miracle: The Story Behind the Story of South Africa's Transition from Apartheid to Democracy". It was not that long ago the news outlets were talking about fears of all-out war in South Africa. If you aren't familiar with the story, I recommend you look for the podcast by Dr. Michael Cassidy. Powerful nations and leaders failed to bring a resolution. A group of weak Christians organized prayer from around the world. God was glorified when South Africa peacefully transitioned from apartheid to democracy amid fears of all out war.
I know that many of you are already prayer warriors for South Sudan, and I will admit that I don't pray as much as I should for a country I love that is going through difficult times. I was convicted as I listened to the story of what God did in South Africa through the power of prayer. I agree with the official from South Sudan who said that the next few days are a crucial time for both countries. I am one weak sinner, but I can pray. I ask all the dependent children of God out there to join me in prayer. Here are just a few specific ways you can pray.
Pray for the following individuals as well as the government and church in both nations:
President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan
Archbishop Daniel Deng of the Episcopal Church in South Sudan
Pray for real decisions to be made to resolve these key issues:
An article in the Economist gave a great one sentence description of some of the issues. "The crisis is a direct result of both sides’ failure to make progress in negotiations over post-secession security arrangements, citizenship rules and oil revenues, among other issues that should have been resolved long ago." I would include defining a precise border as another major issue.