Overwhelmed by the daily email alerts on the current situation in South Sudan
Overwhelmed by the contrast between the last week for my friends in South Sudan and the last week for my friends in the United States
This week the gap between the already and the not yet just seems overwhelmingly large...
But as I am reminded that the world is not yet as it should be, I am also reminded in this season of advent that Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
The faith and hope of my South Sudanese friends has often been greater than my own. Jesus defeated death, and the church in South Sudan, that has known so much suffering, proclaims this boldly.
Now as I read the recent news of violence in South Sudan, I know that the church in South Sudan is continuing to proclaim the gospel of peace as they long for what is to come, a day when there will be no more death or war.
So I ask that churches around the world join the South Sudanese in praying for immediate peace and reconciliation in South Sudan.
Truly He taught us
to love one another;
His law is love and
His gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break
for the slave is our brother
And in His name
all oppression shall cease.
~ O Holy Night
*rainbow over South Sudan from my flight out of Mundri in November*