Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Woman at the Well

Today Bethany and I started our journey with Bible storying!

Well really our journey started about a month ago in Greece when we both attended a workshop on Bible storying at the WHM conference. We got excited about the possibility of using Bible storying at the Girl's Club we have been holding on Saturdays at Mundri Secondary School.

After talking and praying, we decided to try it out the first week of the Girl's Club. I was so thankful for all the materials that a fellow WHM missionary shared with us at the conference! Really we would not have been able to have our first Bible story lesson so soon otherwise.

We choose the Samaritan Woman for our first Bible story, which fit right in to my water themed week. =)

Over the last week, Bethany and I have been taking turns reading the story to each other. After we both had the basics down, Bethany practiced telling me the story since she was the primary speaker this week. Learning to tell a Bible story orally was harder than I expected.

The story of the woman at the well is a story we were both very familiar with, but after reading the story slowly and deliberately several times, we were both struck by new things in the Samaritan woman's story.

I was again reminded of the grace and patience Jesus has for sinners like me who just don't get it sometimes. My favorite line in this story is when the Samaritan woman replies to Jesus "Sir, you don't have a bucket and this well is very deep. Where would You get this living water?" It made me smile every time Bethany said it.

Today there were only two girls at Girl's Club because of some early morning rain. It was a wonderful chance to interact more personally with these girls who are S1 students and new to Mundri Secondary School. I really enjoyed watching them listen and respond to Bethany as she told the story of the Samaritan woman. The girls picked up on the story so quickly, even though it was told in English which is not their first language. In fact is isn't even their second language. They were learning the story faster than Bethany and I had, and English is our first language.

We are going to continue with Bible storying during our time with the girls on Saturday, and I'm excited to see God at work through His stories being told orally.

Next week, God willing, I will be telling the story of the healing of the paralytic.

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