Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reflections on CIT

It is hard to sum up the impact of the past four weeks of cross-cultural training on my life. It was so much more than just cross-cultural training. It was overwhelming at times to just scratch the surface of topics that I wanted to explore in more depth. These four weeks have challenged my assumptions, and showed me how much I must rely on God. I also have felt so loved here in a community of people who are all experiencing the same challenges and transitions. Some of the best moments of my time here happened when I was having dinner with my new friends, working on homework in the student center, or just sitting around after class talking about the things that we are all processing.

I didn't realize how tired and exhausted I was after the last year of working, learning about Sudan, raising support, studying appropriate technology in engineering, moving, and sharing my heart with my friends and family. Being here is a breath of fresh air. As much as I was processing the new things I learned in class, I was also processing the ways God has worked in my life over the last year.

In class we discussed topics including ethnocentrism, suffering, humility in service, learning a culture at a heart level, the role of women, the definition of truth, spirtual warfare, security and risk management, culture shock, dealing with transitions, and team interactions.

Am I completely prepared for everything that might happen in Sudan? No, but I am more aware of the difficulties and blessings of cross-cultural ministry, I have new resources to consult in different circumstances, and most of all I have been reminded of the Truth of the gospel and its impact on every aspect of my life and even the way I serve as I an engineer. I am not completely prepared to leave, but I am preparing to leave. I am excited, and not at all anxious.

On Monday, I will start the second class I am attending with will focus on language acquisition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God, Christine! How fascinating your time in school must be, I know it will be a source of stregnth for you in the next two years. - Kelly