Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jetlag, Boda-boda, and Gilmore Girls

(view from MAF porch)

It has been a few days since I arrived in Kampala. The jetlag hasn't been quite as bad as I thought it would be, but I did wake up from 1am-2:30am my first night here even though I was completely exhausted. Even now there are random times during the day when I am hit by exhaustion and times that I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like it should be morning.

Uganda is lush, green, and beautiful. It reminds me a lot of Brazil. We are staying at the MAF guesthouse which is quite a way from the city, so I have had the opportunity to take public transportation to Kampala a few times. We take a bus part of the way (which is more like a 15 passenger van that they manage to fit even as many as 20 people inside), and then we take a boda-boda the rest of the way. It is basically a motorbike that seats the driver and a passenger behind him. I am not a fan of motorcycles in the US, so I wasn't too excited about taking the boda-boda. In addition since women are usually wearing skirts, you ride sidesaddle. Once the driver explained to me where I needed to put my feet, we were off! We all made it safely, and it turned out to be a pretty pleasant ride.

After Kim and I arrived here in Kampala, Larissa, Ian, and Kyle joined us at the MAF guesthouse. It has been great to get to know them, learn their sense of humor, and hear about their experiences thus far in Sudan. These few days have been pretty relaxing as Kim and I get over jetlag and the others spend some time on the internet and phone since the connection in Kampala is much better than it is in Sudan. I have also been really glad to be able to email and chat with friends online and talk to my parents on the phone here in Kampala.

Tonight I had a little bit of extra unexpected joy when I got to watch an episode of Gilmore Girls with some wonderful ladies! Many of you know that I have seen every episode and own all the DVD's. I was sad to have to leave them in the US. Well I found out that the team has all the DVD's! It was a great unexpected surprise.

Tomorrow we will go back into the city to handle some necessary paperwork. Please pray for all of these details. In Kampala so far I changed money, got a cell phone to use in Uganda and Sudan, and checked out the local mall to see what I could get here in terms of supplies. Everything has gone smoothly. This morning we headed back to Kampala for church, which was wonderful time of worship and a beautiful reminder that it is all about Jesus.

Those are just some of the details of the last few days. I am really excited to be heading to Sudan later this week!

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