Friday, April 23, 2010

I Saw the Light

...and so did all the termites!

Last night hundreds of flying termites flocked to the lights in our team house. It is hard to see in the picture, but they were everywhere! They were crawling on the walls, swarming around the lights, and in our cold water (which is a precious commodity around here). Michael fought back with a spray can of Doom, the very appropriately named insecticide.

Although I find the sheer number of flying termites disturbing and I am not a fan of insects flying around my head, I was in some ways happy to see the termites. The termites come out after the first rains of the season, and yesterday it rained all night and most of the morning. It was a much cooler day, which was such a blessing after several days of VERY intense heat and blazing sun. As we continue to pray for the rains and the growing season in Mundri this year, we praise God for a day of rain that soaked the dry, cracked ground. The other reason I was happy to see the termites is that termite paste is a local delicacy, and although I personally don't eat termites, I'm happy that our friends will be enjoying them soon.

Termites are so destructive in Mundri. They eat the mahogany and teak used for construction and their massive mounds sit in the middle of maize and sorghum fields. Even though for the most part termites destroy, the clay from the mounds can be useful, they make a good source of protein, and they are a welcome harbinger of the rainy season. So last night I was in some ways happy to see the termite infestation, but that didn't stop us from fighting back with Doom.

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